Hours...and hours and hours... and..an..d..... (_ _)zZ
nah..juz jk =D
yayy ~ i just found out that my dad's laptop is apparently a gaming laptop O_O
when i tried left 4 dead and played...i was amazed in every second that the zombie's head gets blown off!!
anyways... DEBRA thinks that she's ugly...
well i will tell you right now
Debra... stop being a annoying person and face the fact that ur not ugly LOL
... weeee.... the moment she comes back from school u will apparently hear a sound from a far distance like.. *SMACK*
=X... haha...
anyways ~... found some idiots in Garena that apparently flooded the server lobby...
(for those who don't know dota sorry to drag u along in this understandable "essay")
they were accusing a guy for using Tinker for hacking because The hero was said that he hex his enemy for 8 secs
but the user said that he used his ulti regularly and told the accuser was blind
and then they argued and argued and somehow got to english O_O
LOL... i dint know the connection between the was quite close
anyways...stupid people in garena =3
p.s. Football For Life